AI Bot Terbaik untuk Menulis secara Profesional dan Kreatif

“Tahu AI yang bagusan nggak dari Gr**mmrly?” tanya seorang teman baru saja sore ini.

Ia mengaku pusing setelah mendapati hasil kerja AI yang dipadukan dengan Google Translate. Ternyata malah ruwet, susah dipahami.

Kebetulan sekali tepat beberapa menit sebelumnya saya scroll TikTok dan menemukan video soal “The Wall Street Journal Great AI BOT Challenge“.

Wah menarik nih, batin saya.

Dan memang hasil pertarungan tersebut sangat relevan dan membantu pekerja profesional yang banyak bergulat dan berkutat dengan kata dan kalimat seperti saya.

Uniknya ada sejumlah kategori lomba di sini yang membandingkan performa 5 AI BOT yang dipakai masyarakat saat ini: Perplexity, ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, dan Copilot.

Jujur saya sendiri lebih sering memakai ChatGPT dan Claude. Belum pernah saya menyentuh Perplexity dan Copilot.

Gemini sudah pernah saya coba tapi karena sekali saya pakai saya nilai agak janggal hasilnya, saya pun beralih.

Dalam kategori “KESELURUHAN” (Overall), Perplexity yang berwujud mesin pencari yang diluncurkan Agustus 2022 itu keluar sebagai jawara. Di peringkat kedua hingga kelima berturut-turut ialah ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, dan Copilot.

Untuk kategori “KESEHATAN” (Health), ternyata ChatGPT yang paling unggul hasilnya. Di peringkat 2-5 ialah Gemini, Perplexity, Claude, dan Copilot.

Lalu untuk kategori “KEUANGAN” (Finance), Gemini terbukti paling memuaskan hasil kerjanya dibandingkan Claude (2), Perplexity (3), ChatGPT (4), dan Copilot (5).

Sementara itu, di kategori “MEMASAK” (Cooking), yang menang ialah ChatGPT. Baru disusul oleh Gemini (2), Perplexity (3), Claude (4), dan Copilot (5).

Di kategori yang saya anggap paling relevan dengan bidang saya, “MENULIS SECARA PROFESIONAL” (Work Writing), ternyata jawaranya adalah AI BOT yang sudah sering saya pakai: Claude. Baru disusul oleh Perplexity, Gemini, ChatGPT, dan terakhir Copilot.

Yang menarik ialah kategori “MENULIS KREATIF” (Creative Writing). Di sini Copilot yang keok di banyak kategori sebelumnya ternyata menunjukkan kekuatannya. Di peringkat kedua hingga terakhir berturut-turut ialah Claude, Perplexity, Gemini, dan ChatGPT.

Untuk urusan ringkas meringkas, Anda bisa bergantung pada Perplexity sebab Perplexity menang lagi di kategori “RINGKASAN” (Summarization). Di posisi kedua hingga terakhir ialah Copilot, ChatGPT, Claude, dan baru Gemini.

Soal kecepatan, ChatGPT jadi juara wahidnya. Baru disusul Gemini, Copilot, dan seterusnya.

Bagaimana dengan pengalaman Anda sendiri memakai beragam AI BOT?

Mana yang terbaik menurut Anda untuk pekerjaan Anda?

Apakah ada AI BOT lain yang belum dibahas dan patut diketahui?

Share di kolom komentar. 😇

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Mental Health Journal Prompts You Need to Know

Mental health has been a household term lately thanks to Generation Z that discuss this openly on every occasion and opportunity they have.

I am no part of Gen Z. I, however, feel the urge to check up on my mental health to especially after a string of horrible news from the government in Indonesia.

As we’re officially retreating back to the dark age of New Order (Orde Baru), I have been increasingly concerned with my mental health after being exposed to a lot of news and social media content.

I need a break…

So here’s a list of journal prompts I can use to guide me through my daily mental health check to prevent premature collapse of this fragile sanity state. Haha, I’m joking.

Mental Health Journal Prompts

  • Are you feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge? Can you control your anxiety?
  • Are you worrying too much about different things? Do you find it difficult to relax?
  • Are you feeling restless and getting easily angry?
  • Are you feeling afraid that something bad will happen? Do you have little interest in doing things?
  • Are you feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? Do you have any difficulty to sleep or sleep too much?
  • Do you feel tired or have little energy? Do you eat properly with great appetite or overeating?
  • Are you feeling bad about yourself (thinking you’re a failure or let others down)?
  • Do you have trouble to concentrate on things?
  • Are you moving or speaking so slowly that others can notice? Or are you fidgety or restless?
  • Are you thinking you’re better off dead or hurting yourself in some way?
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Yoga dan Aktivisme: A Great Combo or Big No?

Selama ini yoga kerap dianggap sebagai entitas/ hal yang terpisah dari aktivisme dan politik. Namun, jika diamati lebih seksama, kita bisa temukan fakta bahwa yoga juga sering di(salah)gunakan sebagai alat aktivisme sesuai agenda kelompok/ pihak tertentu. 

Misalnya ada kelompok pro Palestina yang menggaungkan pesan “Free Palestine” melalui sesi meditasi dan kelas yoga asana yang mereka adakan dalam circle mereka. 

Di sisi lain, juga ada para pegiat yoga di Israel yang menggunakan yoga untuk menjustifikasi Zionisme. Keduanya sama-sama yoga tetapi agenda yang diusungnya sangat bertentangan.

Di Indonesia sendiri, setahu saya beberapa event yoga yang dimuati pesan aktivisme entah itu yang bersifat politis maupun sosial, misalnya penggalangan dana untuk kelompok yang termarjinalkan atau underprivileged. 

Katakanlah event-event yoga dengan tujuan penggalangan dana untuk pelestarian hutan, hewan langka, sumbangan untuk para korban bencana/ pengungsi konflik berdarah, dsb. 

Jadi bisa dikatakan yoga di Indonesia juga cukup sarat dengan aktivisme yang dipilih sesuai selera dan kepentingan penyelenggaranya, yang tak cuma bersifat politis dan sosial tetapi bisa juga lebih berat ke sisi komersial. 

Namun, guru dan praktisi yoga Savira Gupta dalam tulisannya berjudul “Yoga Is Not Political—Unless That’s Your Calling” di laman baru-baru ini menggugat tren yoga yang diidentikkan dengan aktivisme politik dan sosial tertentu.

Ia menyatakan: “[S]aya berpendapat bahwa yoga bukanlah aktivisme politik maupun sosial melainkan sebuah jalur spiritual untuk menggapai pembebasan diri dari penderitaan.”

Gupta lebih lanjut membahas soal konsep swadharma dalam yoga. Swadharma merujuk pada tugas dan tanggung jawab individu sesuai dengan kodrat dan keunikan masing-masing. 

Keputusan dan tindakan kita seharusnya didasari oleh swadharma, bukan motif politik atau aktivisme.

Dalam Bhagavad Gita, dikisahkan bahwa Arjuna berperang bukan karena motif politik, melainkan karena swadharma-nya sebagai kesatria yang harus membela kebenaran dan keadilan. 

Yoga bertujuan menuntun kita untuk menjalani swadharma demi kebaikan masyarakat dan alam semesta, bukan untuk mencapai agenda pribadi.

Aktivisme cenderung mempersatukan kelompok tertentu, namun memisahkannya dari kelompok lain. Hal ini bertentangan dengan esensi yoga yang menyatukan kesadaran individu dengan kesadaran tertinggi. 

Dengan demikian, Gupta menyimpulkan, ketika yoga disamakan dengan aktivisme politik atau sosial, sesungguhnya telah terjadi kesalahpahaman atas ajaran yoga yang sebenarnya.

Konsep dharma (hukum alam semesta) dan swadharma (tugas pribadi sesuai kodrat) sering diabaikan dalam pemaknaan yoga di Barat. 

Padahal, tindakan kita baru dapat disebut yoga jika bersumber dari swadharma. 

Yoga merupakan cara untuk menjernihkan pikiran agar kita dapat menjalani swadharma dengan tepat, bukan untuk mendorong agenda politik atau aktivisme tertentu, terang Gupta.

Oleh karena itu, praktik yoga seharusnya menuntun kita untuk menemukan dan menjalani swadharma masing-masing sesuai dengan tahap kehidupan yang sedang dijalani. 

Dengan demikian, kita dapat berkontribusi untuk kebaikan masyarakat dan alam semesta sesuai dengan peran dan tanggung jawab kita masing-masing.

Inilah interpretasi Gupta mengenai yoga yang disangkutpautkan dengan aktivisme.

Terlepas dari penjelasan panjang lebar Gupta di atas, rasanya sangat mustahil untuk mencegah para praktisi yoga modern untuk  memisahkan yoga dari semua bentuk aktivisme. 

Ditambah dengan tidak adanya pihak yang menjadi otoritas dalam dunia yoga modern, interpretasi Gupta tadi hanya sebatas imbauan belaka pada akhirnya.

Karena ini semua kembali lagi ke pribadi masing-masing praktisi yoga. 

Bagaimana dengan Anda sendiri? Apakah sepakat dengan gagasan Gupta untuk memisahkan yoga dari segala bentuk aktivisme atau tak keberatan dengan semua aktivisme dalam yoga yang Anda ikuti? (*/)

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Yoga dan Pilates: Serupa Tapi Tak Sama

Di mata orang awam, yoga dan pilates kerap dianggap ‘beti’ alias beda tipis. Ada yang berkata pilates meminjam sejumlah pose yoga. Meski faktanya memang ada beberapa gerakan yang mirip, secara teknik terdapat perbedaan yang mendasar.

Perbedaan cara bernapas ialah yang paling mudah ditemukan. Teknik napas yoga menggunakan lubang hidung baik untuk ambil dan buang napas. Namun, di pilates untuk membuang napas, kita disarankan memakai mulut.

Riwayat Yoga

Dalam aspek sejarah, ‘akar’ yoga kuno memang jauh lebih tua daripada pilates. Yoga sudah disebut di teks Rig Veda yang sudah ada sejak 3500 tahun lalu. Juga sudah ada deskripsi teknik fisik mirip asana yoga yang dilakukan Buddha kurang lebih 2500 tahun lalu (The Truth of Yoga: Daniel Simpson, 2021).

Sementara itu, yoga modern (yang fokus ke asana/ pose fisik) juga sedikit lebih tua dari pilates. Menurut Mark Singleton dalam bukunya Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice (2010), yoga modern yang didominasi praktik asana mulai muncul tahun 1920-an, saat gerakan budaya fisik melanda Barat kemudian menular ke Timur. Sejumlah pose yoga dikatakan meminjam senam/ gymnastics Skandinavia.

Fokus yoga modern ialah menyehatkan dan menguatkan raga sehingga mau tak mau lebih mengesampingkan aspek spiritualnya. Masyarakat India membuat yoga menjadi lebih ‘fisik’ seiring dengan kebutuhan mereka untuk memerdekakan diri dari Inggris. Perjuangan kemerdekaan tak bisa dilakukan jika fisik orang India lemah. Di sini yoga dikemas sebagai bentuk olahraga untuk menempa jiwa dan raga mereka.

Riwayat Pilates

Pilates diciptakan oleh Joseph Pilates dari Jerman, sebuah negara yang juga menjadi pusat tren budaya fisik di abad 19 dan awal abad 20. Tren latihan menempa fisik untuk kesehatan muncul di Jerman, Inggris dan AS sejak abad 19 (Body Culture: Bryan Turner et al, 2009).

Joseph sendiri juga memiliki riwayat kesehatan yang memprihatinkan saat anak-anak, mirip dengan masa kecil guru yoga BKS Iyengar yang juga sakit-sakitan lalu diberi latihan fisik dan menemukan manfaat terapeutik olahraga dalam hidup mereka dan ingin menyebarkan manfaat itu ke orang lain sebanyak mungkin.

Joseph muda aktif latihan gymnastics, binaraga, olahraga klasik khas Romawi dan Yunani, tinju, akrobat, ski, diving, hingga disiplin dari Timur seperti yoga, taichi, seni beladiri dan meditasi Zen ( lalu menjadi tahanan perang Inggris saat Perang Dunia I berkecamuk tahun 1912 ( Dalam penjara, ia menggodok sistem olahraganya sendiri yang kelak menjadi Pilates yang kita kenal sekarang.

Jadi bisa dikatakan, yoga modern dan pilates muncul dalam pengaruh tren budaya fisik yang sama. Ada percampuran gymnastics Eropa dengan latihan angkat beban (bodybuilding) yang kemudian bersenyawa dengan unsur-unsur lainnya dan membentuk disiplin ‘baru’ yang unik.

Pada tahun 1923 Joseph Pilates pindah ke New York, tempatnya bersama Clara Zuener membuka studio pilates pertama yang segera populer di kalangan peballet profesional seperti George Balanchine dan Martha Graham. Di dekade yang sama, yoga juga sedang menjalani transformasi menjadi yoga yang lebih bersifat fisik.

3 Persamaan Yoga dan Pilates

Terlepas dari sederet perbedaan tersebut, yoga dan pilates juga memiliki sejumlah kemiripan.

Kemiripan-kemiripan tersebut disinggung oleh John Howard Steel, salah satu murid pertama yang diajar oleh Joseph Pilates. Dalam bukunya Caged Lion, Steel menjelaskan panjang lebar mengenai kualitas dan karakteristik yang mirip antara yoga dan pilates.

Menurut Steel, yoga dan pilates sama-sama memiliki daya tarik yang sangat besar sehingga tak heran jutaan orang menekuninya hingga hari ini di seluruh dunia.

“There is something to Pilates, like there is to yoga, that draws huge numbers of people to it,” tulis Steel dalam bab ke-10 di bukunya.

Persamaan kedua ialah bahwa baik yoga dan pilates menempatkan pikiran kita dalam sebuah zona mental istimewa. Di dalam zona ini, seseorang yang merasa susah payah akan mendapatkan rasa gembira.

Steel menuliskan: “Lain dari program olahraga serupa kecuali yoga, pilates menarik saya untuk masuk ke dalam isi pikiran ini.”

Ia meyakini bahwa ini bisa terjadi karena adanya kombinasi fokus mental dan kerja fisik yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan semua gerakan yang diinstruksikan selama kelas pilates secara akurat.

Persamaan ketiga ialah bahwa baik yoga dan pilates sama-sama membuat pikiran manusia masuk ke dalam sebuah keadaan mental yang disebut “Flow”. Istilah ini dipakai oleh psikolog dan dosen Dr. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi dalam bukunya yang berjudul Flow, the Psychology of Optimal Experience tahun 1990.

Flow ini didefinisikan sebagai sebuah kondisi mental saat ego manusia runtuh, waktu berlalu lebih cepat, tiap gerakan dan pikiran bergerak beriringan tanpa putus. Seseorang dalam kondisi Flow merasakan semua aspek dalam dirinya terlibat dan ia menggunakan keterampilannya yang terbaik di dalamnya. Tapi syaratnya, seluruh perhatian orang tersebut harus fokus dan menikmati 100% pada apa yang dilakukan. Sensasi enjoyment ini dikatakan bisa melampaui kesenangan sesaat (pleasure). Enjoyment tersebut membuat hidup menjadi lebih bermakna dan kaya.

Csíkszentmihályi menyamakan kondisi Flow itu dengan yang terjadi saat seseorang latihan yoga. Dan Steel menyimpulkan bahwa simpulan tersebut juga bisa berlaku untuk pilates yang ia tekuni karena dalam pilates juga diperlukan kegigihan dalam menyatukan gerak, fokus, dan napas, membutuhkan motivasi diri yang tinggi dan kedisiplinan berlatih serta memberikan rasa nikmat yang tak bisa dijelaskan dengan kata-kata.  (*/)

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NYU Academician: English Majors Will Shine in the Era of AI

As an English literature graduate, I was one of those people who frowned whenever someone said: “The future belongs to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) graduates.”

I was annoyed. As if not only were my 6 years of study considered worthless, but also my passion for language was seen as having lower value.

And that had a significant impact in many ways. Especially on well-being. In crasser language, salary. The salaries of English literature graduates seem to lag behind those of STEM graduates who are more valued in the global job market.

But the tech winter and oversupply of STEM graduates from year to year eventually leveled the playing field again.

Given this bitter state of English literature graduates’ well-being, I felt extremely optimistic and delighted when Connor Grennan said in his TikTok video that appeared on my FYP that English/Literature graduates would become leaders in the era of Artificial Intelligence.

Of course, I didn’t believe it at first. Then I read in detail Connor Grennan’s writing, who turns out to be the Dean at New York University’s Stern School of Business, on this page, and understood why he dared to make such a bold claim.

Superior Storytelling Ability

According to Conor, English literature graduates and graduates of other creative fields have an advantage in using generative AI.

The plus point of English literature graduates is that their ability to construct an engaging story and communicate any story or idea in language that is easily absorbed by others becomes more valuable than technical skills like coding.

Generative AI is driven by prompts in natural human language, so the ability to translate business needs into clear prompts is crucial.

This makes writers, strategists, and creative directors potentially more valuable in the job market than software developers in the coming AI era.

Continuously Learn and Experiment

Although awareness and usage of generative AI is high, Conor estimates that truly transformative usage is only around 5% in most organizations/companies.

Most companies currently have tried basic AI applications like content creation, but few have strategically reinvented workflows, operations, or business models.

To reach that level requires a mindset and behavior shift driven by leadership.

In the AI era, a willingness to continuously learn and the ability to adapt are key.

An openness to experimentation, a readiness to accept failure as a learning opportunity, and the ability to think laterally are all crucial for transformative AI utilization.

With new AI industry achievements arriving almost every week, a commitment to continuous learning can help us identify new opportunities.

People who are more adaptive and not rigid about accepting all sorts of results from AI tools are less likely to feel threatened, and may even leverage the smallest of opportunities.

Super Content Creators = AI + Creative Humans

Connor also states that the future will belong to content creators capable of harnessing AI’s potential in creating premium quality content with a human creative touch.

As we know, the emergence of Sora and other text-to-video tools will almost certainly disrupt Hollywood and current production workflows.

Just like Uber uncovering latent transportation demand, Sora has the potential to reveal demand for personalized content that has been constrained by production bottlenecks.

We may witness an explosion of indie media from super creators who can realize their creative visions with the help of AI without being hindered by gatekeepers.

This is where outstanding content creators can stand out and outperform content industry giants like Hollywood.

The ability to write, empathize, build narratives, and engage emotionally allows writers, communicators, and creative designers to use AI to optimize their creative visions even if they lack technical expertise.

Implementing AI in a transformative way requires a mindset and behavior shift facilitated by leadership. And this leadership must not have an outdated mindset, be resistant to continuous learning and adapting to changing times.

The key to winning as a content creator in the AI era is a willingness to continuously learn, high stamina to constantly adapt, an open mind to experimentation, and the courage to face failure as an opportunity, Connor asserts.

If you are an English literature graduate like me, doesn’t Connor’s explanation above boost your confidence?

But of course, don’t forget to be willing to keep learning and be open to new things! (*/)

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Prabowo Subianto Reveals His Favorite Books and Authors

PRABOWO SUBIANTO has been declared the elected president of the Republic of Indonesia by the General Election Commission (KPU) on April 24, 2024.

As we know from the presidential debate content that we all watched during the campaign period, Prabowo is indeed known to have knowledge and language skills that are relatively above average for public officials in our country.

And this was further emphasized by Prabowo when he did an interview with Al Jazeera which you can watch in full at the following link.

In the interview, he revealed his views on his controversial victory, which his two opponents accused of winning through systematic cheating, then his controversial past that we all know about the May 1998 tragedy that we have just commemorated for the 26th time was discussed, and Prabowo’s hopes as our president in the coming years.

For me, it’s all maybe cliché and boring. I’m not that interested.

A Reader Since Youth

But when Al Jazeera’s Instagram account posted a reel of Prabowo being in his private library, I immediately paid attention.

Prabowo proudly said: “You know, one of my passions is reading.”

He explained his childhood as a child of a father who worked as an educator and official. His father was Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, an Indonesian statesman and one of the most influential economists in this country. He held ministerial positions during the Old Order and New Order eras.

His fondness for reading books became a means of entertainment, recreation, education, and learning.

“I dreamed that one day if I had the necessary resources, I wanted to have a library,” he said.

I thought that was a bit odd because he appeared to be standing in the middle of a room filled with bookshelves. Isn’t that a library?

But aside from that, I appreciate that because from the choice of message and focus on literacy in this Al Jazeera content, the people of Indonesia, especially the younger generation who have low reading interest, are subtly invited by their elected president to also like reading quality books.

A Fan of Historical Works and Biographies

He claims to like the works of Alexander Dumas and Sir Walter Scott.

Dumas (1802-1870) was a French novelist and playwright best known for The Three Musketeers and the revenge-themed novel The Count of Monte Cristo.

Then Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was a Scottish novelist, poet, historian and biographer known as the dean of writers of historical novels.

Once he became a soldier in the Indonesian Armed Forces, Prabowo read many biographical and historical books, including biographies discussing revolutionary figures from Mexico such as Pancho Villa (1878-1923) who was known as a guerrilla war leader and strong supporter of agrarianism.

Prabowo also liked the biography of Emiliano Zapata (1879-1919) who is known worldwide as the leader of the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution in 1910-1920.

Furthermore, Prabowo said that one of the books that influenced him the most was Manual of The Warrior of Light by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho.

“I recommend that book (Manual of The Warrior of Light) to anyone, especially young people who want to succeed in life,” he explained.

Learning from the Best Generation

“I think what influenced me was that my family, my parents, my grandparents, my ancestors, were all involved in the struggle for Indonesian independence,” he said.

Then Prabowo recounted that his extended family also sacrificed during the revolutionary period of independence. His father’s eldest brother, Subianto, was killed in battle. And his name was then given to Prabowo as a reminder that he too was expected by his parents to be able to serve the people of Indonesia and sacrifice as much as possible for the nation and country.

Prabowo then discussed what he considers to be the best generation. “The best generation of Indonesians are those who fought for the independence of this nation,” he said.

He felt fortunate because he was able to grow up with this best generation as his mentors and leaders.

Gemoy Dance as a Temporary Gimmick?

Here I feel that Prabowo may have indeed won in an unusual way. He did not hesitate to use a gimmick that seemed ridiculous. There was no impression of intelligence when on social media he became widely known for his gemoy dance.

I think he used the gimmick and gemoy image earlier only as a differentiating factor to make it easier for people to support him. Imagine if at that time he had also shown an intelligent image like Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan. Perhaps most of the grassroots people would have failed to ‘relate’ to the content of the presidential debate.

Prabowo also touched on the oversensitivity of Indonesians’ pride when foreigners speak negatively about them. According to him, Indonesians need to understand that being negatively commented on or demeaned is part of life. (*/)

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26 Years After Reform: Indonesia Is Moving Further away from the Supposed Path

This morning I had a chat with some neighbors around the house. From discussing the increasingly difficult business climate lately, we suddenly ‘slipped’ into the conversation about Trisakti University becoming a State University (PTN), and the conversation flowed into the traumatic experiences of 26 years ago today.

One neighbor who happened to still be studying at Trisakti at that time recalled the news of a senior student who died during a demonstration.

Meanwhile, other neighbors who were still children when the riots occurred still lived in Tangerang with their families and witnessed buildings being destroyed and burned.

I myself live in an area that fortunately was not affected by the riots, so all we remembered at that time were endless news of riots on television, interspersed with news of the fall of the rupiah and the monetary crisis that was constantly mentioned by news presenters.

That happened in 1998, and as I entered the third year of high school, I still remember when studying Civics, I began to learn about Regional Autonomy. At that time, regional autonomy was still a ‘new toy’ because the nation had just emerged from the grip of the authoritarian New Order and Jakarta-centric. Suddenly it seemed that freedom was obtained and its manifestation was through the granting of regional autonomy which greatly relieved the people.

It cannot be denied that the May 12, 1998 tragedy is now recorded as one of the milestones in our country’s history.

Gen Z, Don’t Miss Out

For you Gen Z readers who were not born at that time, know that on May 12, 1998, four students of Trisakti University, namely Elang Mulia Lesmana, Heri Hertanto, Hafidin Royan, and Hendriawan Sie, died in a demonstration demanding the resignation of President Soeharto.

The bloody event then triggered a massive wave of protests and became a milestone in the history towards the end of the New Order. Now, 26 years after that tragedy, various parties have held commemorations as a form of respect and a reminder of the importance of upholding human rights (HAM) and justice.

Although more than two decades have passed, a glimmer of justice has not yet appeared. And this moment also serves as a reflection for the people and the government: “Have we moved closer or further away from the ideals of the Reformation?”.

Is that the goal of the Reformation? According to the president’s staff Amiruddin Ma’ruf, the goal of the reformation is to build a solid democratic system and to continue to build public welfare in Indonesia.

Democracy in Retreat

Unfortunately, our democracy has instead experienced a setback. According to, Indonesia has experienced a decline in democracy over the past decade, along with other Asia-Pacific countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand.

From the electoral democracy perspective, the Indonesia Democracy Index (IDE) score has declined by up to 16% in the last 10 years. The most significant decline occurred in 2021, with a 4.4% decrease in the IDE score compared to the previous year.

Based on IDE indicators, the clean election indicator recorded the highest decline of 14.1% in the past decade. Followed by a 10.3% decline in the freedom of association indicator, and a 6.7% decline in the freedom of expression indicator.

This indicates a regression in important aspects of democracy such as free and fair elections, freedom of association, and freedom of expression in Indonesia over the past 10 years.

Decline in Public Welfare

According to data from, over the past seven years, the level of welfare of the Indonesian people has declined.

This is evidenced by a decrease in the portion of non-food spending by 2.8% from 51.32% in 2016 to 49.86% in 2022.

The decrease in non-food spending allocations reflects the increasingly limited financial space of households to shop for non-essential items such as durable goods and entertainment.

This also indicates a decrease in the quality of life because most of the expenditure is spent on food shopping.

However, there has been a positive change in household spending patterns. The portion of spending on cigarettes, which are harmful to health, decreased by 8%, while the allocation of spending on protein sources such as meat, fish, eggs, and milk increased by 10% from 8.68% to 9.57%.

When viewed by region, there are interesting differences. First, the allocation of spending on food and beverages has surged, especially in rural areas with an increase of 18.4% from 12.3% to 15.03%.

This is related to the ease of distribution that allows processed food to reach remote areas and the entry of electricity that encourages the growth of frozen food kiosks.

Second, spending on clothing and footwear increased in rural areas but decreased in urban areas.

The portion of spending on clothing in rural areas almost tripled from 3.12% to 9.43%, while in cities it decreased from 3.01% to 2.31%.

This increase is driven by the e-commerce boom made possible by the widespread internet network and the advancement of the logistics distribution sector.

Trisakti Commemorates

As if to remind us not to stray further from the path of Reformation, at Trisakti University, students held a commemoration ceremony at the Reformation Monument within Campus A, West Jakarta.

The event began with speeches from the presidents of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of each Trisakti foundation.

The President of Trisakti University’s Student Council, Faiz Nabawi, emphasized that this event is a reminder of the four students who fell while fighting for reform.

“Our friends are aware that talking about reform, many things in the state’s order have changed. One of the peaks of democracy is where our brothers (fell),” he said on Saturday, May 11, 2024, as quoted from

Meanwhile, the Vice President of Trisakti University’s Student Council, Ardhi Ramadhana, stated that this commemorative event aims to remind every student to monitor the actions of individuals who violate human rights.

“So that incidents do not recur and so that every citizen does not become the next victim,” he explained.

Ardhi also mentioned that they plan to hold an audience with the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and the House of Representatives’ Commission III to push for the resolution of the May 12 tragedy through an Ad Hoc Human Rights Court.

“Because previously there was a military court, we want there to be an ad hoc court,” he explained.

Reform Footprints

In addition to the ceremony at Trisakti University, the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) also held the event “Napak Reformasi Tragedy of May 98: Past Human Rights Violations at the Crossroads!” in Jakarta on May 12, 2024, as reported by

This activity was carried out to invite the public to continue to remember the May 12, 1998 tragedy and to push for the fulfillment of victims’ rights and to ensure that similar incidents do not recur in the future, amidst the ongoing resolution of past human rights violation cases.

Participants of the “Reformation’s Footprints” activity were invited to explore several historical sites in Jakarta, starting from 08.00 AM to 05.00 PM. The meeting point was at the Office of the National Commission on Violence Against Women on Latuharhary Street, Menteng, Central Jakarta.

They were given guidance regarding the event and the Truth-Telling Campaign. Next, participants visited the first point, the VOC Shipyard, to get an overview of the history of the VOC Shipyard during the May 12, 1998 Tragedy.

The journey continued to Trisakti University, the Trisakti Museum, the Klender village, and ended at the TPU Pondok Ranggon, East Jakarta. At TPU Pondok Ranggon, the activity included flower laying and a joint prayer. (*/)

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It’s Not about Quantity: A Reflection of Prabowo Subianto’s Plan to Set up More Ministries

The plan to increase the number of ministries in the government structure has often been debated among the Indonesian society from a long time ago. Including during the current transitional period of government.

This discourse surfaced after Prabowo, who won the 2024 Presidential Election, recently voiced it to the public.

He did not hold back, saying he had plans to form 41 ministries (source:

This increase can be considered relatively significant because currently there are already 34 ministries in the Indonesian government.

Looking back, we understand that on one side, their existence is needed to handle various fields and interests.

However, on the other hand, having too many ministries also has the potential to cause new problems for this country.

Therefore, in this article I would like to invite you to consider the advantages and disadvantages of having more ministries in our future government, as well as the reasons why we should not get trapped in this debate endlessly until we forget the root problems facing this nation.

The Number of Ministries in History

The number of ministries in Indonesia has continued to change from one government to another since this nation proclaimed its independence.

At the beginning of independence in 1945, Indonesia only had 12 ministries under the Presidential Cabinet led by President Sukarno.

During the New Order era under the leadership of President Suharto, the number of ministries continued to increase over time.

In 1973, there were 26 ministries. This number continued to increase until it peaked with 35 ministries in 1998.

Entering the Reformation era, the number of ministries decreased. In the 1999-2004 National Unity Cabinet under President Abdurrahman Wahid, the number of ministries was reduced to 22. Then during President Megawati’s era (2001-2004), the number of ministries was reduced again to 21.

During President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s (SBY) leadership from 2004-2009, the number of ministries was set at 35. However, during his second term (2009-2014), the number was reduced to 34 ministries.

During President Joko Widodo’s era, the number of ministries was reduced again. In his first term (2014-2019) there were 34 ministries, then in his second term (2019-2024) it was reduced to 33 ministries.

By examining the fluctuations in the number of ministries in Indonesian history, we can conclude that the number of ministries in Indonesia once reached a peak of 35 during the New Order era in 1998.

However, it then experienced a downward trend during the Reformation era with around 20 to 30 ministries under various government cabinets.

This adjustment in the number was carried out with the main goal of increasing the efficiency of the government bureaucracy.

4 Advantages of Having More Ministries

The main advantage of having many ministries is more in-depth specialization in each field.

This must be acknowledged because later each ministry can focus on one particular field so that policy development and programs in that field can be carried out more effectively.

For example, the Ministry of Transportation deals with the development of transportation infrastructure, while the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology deals with the protection of personal data.

Furthermore, the workload and responsibilities can be distributed more evenly across the various ministries.

This can increase work efficiency and speed up decision-making because it is not centralized in just one ministry.

With a proportional division of tasks, it is hoped that no ministry will have an excess or shortage of workload.

Finally, having many ministries allows various interests and sectors in society to be better represented at the government level.

This is important for a large and diverse country like Indonesia so that no interests are neglected.

More Ministries, More Wasteful Spending

Now let’s try to explore the potential problems from increasing the number of ministries.

With more ministries, the country also has the potential to experience more problems.

First, operational costs will be higher because the state has to provide a budget for employee salaries, office facilities, and operational needs in each ministry.

Consequently, state spending will also be higher.

Second, having more ministries will make coordination between ministries more difficult.

Greater efforts are needed to ensure that there is no overlap or even conflict of interest in the implementation of policies and programs of each ministry.

Third, policy fragmentation can occur because each ministry has different priorities and interests.

As a result, the government’s overall policies could become disjointed and fragmented because they are formulated based on the interests of each ministry.

Finally, with more ministries, the bureaucratic lines will also become more complicated and convoluted for the public and foreigners.

You can imagine how layered the bureaucracy will be for the public and investors if there are more ministries whose affairs are similar to each other and overlap.

This would certainly go against the spirit of the new government, which wants to welcome more foreign investors to Indonesia.

Who would want to invest in a country with a bureaucracy that makes your head spin and the processing costs are many times higher than other countries?

Taking a lesson from the case of Apple investing heavily in Vietnam, we know that Indonesia lost miserably because our investment and trade policies are still less investor-friendly compared to Vietnam.

The Vietnamese government has implemented policies that support foreign investment, such as tax cuts and streamlining permits. This has attracted the interest of Apple and other companies to invest in Vietnam (source: VnExpress).

In other words, having more ministries has the potential to cause waste, inefficient processes, and slow decision-making because there are too many chains that must be passed through.

Quantity Is Not the Core Problem

For me personally, the number of ministries is not the essence of the actual problem. The core problem is our ability to implement good governance.

The concept of good governance refers to the practice of solid and accountable development management in accordance with the principles of democracy and efficient markets, avoidance of misallocation of investment funds, and prevention of corruption, both politically and administratively.

I underline “prevention of corruption, both politically and administratively” in the explanation above because this is the big problem our nation is facing right now.

So let’s not get trapped in the debate over the number of ministries and focus on the core problem that we have not yet been able to solve until this moment: corruption, collusion and nepotism.

Once that is resolved, whether the number of ministries is small or large, it seems reasonable either way. (*/)

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Embracing Pilates: A Journey of Movement Exploration

As an avid practitioner of yoga and gymnastics, I have often witnessed the tendency for individuals to become overly fixated on a particular approach. While I have deeply cherished the postural and physical aspects, as well as the rich history of these disciplines, I recognized the importance of broadening my horizons by delving into other popular movement methodologies worldwide. Consequently, I decided to embark on the journey of learning Pilates, an exercise regimen that emphasizes breath awareness and body consciousness during movement.

Approximately a year ago, my curiosity about Pilates piqued, and I took the opportunity to enroll in a private class package in the Bintaro area of South Tangerang. This experience provided me with invaluable insights into the intricate world of Pilates movements. Without delving into the details of my profession or hobbies, the instructor astutely observed my posture and seamlessly guided me through the afternoon Pilates session. Recognizing my existing body awareness from yoga and the flexibility of my hamstrings (thanks to gymnastics and yoga), as well as my atypical toe-pointing ability for a male (courtesy of gymnastics), the instructor tailored the class accordingly.

Having mastered body awareness and core control through my previous practices, I found myself primarily learning about control within the Pilates realm. Unlike yoga and gymnastics, where I was afforded the freedom to explore the boundaries of my body’s capabilities – twisting, inverting, folding, and opening joints – Pilates presented a different challenge. Certain movements required me to resist and hold within the midrange of joint motion, a departure from my inclination to push to the limits of my range. This forced me to engage the supporting muscles around the targeted joints more consciously, a valuable lesson in moderation – the essence of Pilates, formerly known as “Contrology.”

As I navigated the decision of where to pursue my Pilates education, I recalled a name revered within Jakarta’s movement community – Lily Touw. A former yoga teacher of mine had spoken highly of Lily, crediting her as one of the most instrumental figures in their journey. Lily Touw now operates a network of physiotherapy and Pilates studios, as well as other movement methods, across Java and Bali. Driven by her esteemed reputation in the movement world, I chose to learn at her Vitruvian Studio in Kebayoran, South Jakarta.

Over the course of eight days (totaling 40 hours), I immersed myself in the principles of STOTT Pilates, grasping the repertoire and execution techniques of mat exercises. For those who perceive yoga and Pilates as similar, I must respectfully disagree. Throughout this intensive mat Pilates course, I found myself relearning the fundamentals of movement and thinking patterns, as the underlying principles diverged significantly from the yoga approach.

While it is true that Pilates cannot be equated with yoga philosophically or spiritually – yoga’s roots delve much deeper into spirituality and philosophy – the physical asanas may resemble Pilates movements. However, the emphasis and techniques differ substantially. Pilates places a greater focus on posture and movement principles tailored to each individual’s body. Even the breath technique varies considerably. In the STOTT Pilates method I studied, I had to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, a stark contrast to yoga’s exclusive use of nasal breathing for both inhalation and exhalation. This simple distinction challenged my brain to adapt, causing confusion when attempting to provide self-instruction, let alone instruct a class.

Pilates extends far beyond mat exercises, encompassing a range of equipment that must be mastered to become a qualified instructor. For those seeking to enrich their knowledge of movement disciplines and acquire the essential details to guide others in improving their quality of life through better movement, learning Pilates is an invaluable investment. (*/)

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Yehudi Menuhin remaja telah dikenal sebagai violinist berbakat. (Foto: Wikipedia)

DENGAN berkecamuknya genosida terhadap Palestina oleh Israel, sentimen antisemitis makin meningkat pula di seluruh dunia. Termasuk di dunia yoga.

Sebagian yogi menyadari adanya fenomena “omwashing” yang terjadi di Israel. 

Omwashing ini dilakukan oleh yogi-yogi Israel yang menggunakan yoga dan meditasi untuk kepentingan kelompok mereka sendiri dengan mengabaikan fakta penindasan dan konflik berdarah yang terus terjadi dan memakan korban di pihak Palestina pula. 

Namun demikian, patut diakui bahwa ada juga sumbangsih positif seorang yogi berdarah Yahudi pada perkembangan yoga sehingga bisa sampai seperti yang kita lihat sekarang ini.

Adalah Yehudi Menuhin, seorang pemain biola berdarah Yahudi-Rusia kelahiran New York tanggal 22 April 1916 yang pertama kali tahu soal yoga di tahun 1948.

Kala itu ia membaca sebuah buku kecil soal yoga di ruang tunggu kantor kerja seorang ahli osteopath. Ia mengakui langsung terpukau oleh yoga.

Sebagai pemain biola, bakatnya yang luar biasa membuatnya menjadi seorang prodigy. Di usia 7 tahun, ia sanggup memainkan “Violin Concerto” karya Mendelssohn dengan apik. Penampilannya tersebut membuatnya tersohor di seantero negeri Paman Sam.

Saat dewasa pun kariernya sangat cemerlang. Ia bahkan dianggap sebagai salah satu pemain biola terbaik di abad ke-20.

Sekitar tahun 1950, Menuhin bertemu dengan B.K.S. Iyengar untuk pertama kalinya di kota Mumbai. 

Menuhin sebetulnya merasa capek sekali tetapi karena ia antusias, pertemuan yang ia duga bakal berjalan singkat malah molor menjadi 3,5 jam.

Yehudi Menuhin sedang dalam kelas privat bersama B.K.S. Iyengar. (Foto:

Dari pertemuan tersebut pertemanan Iyengar dan Menuhin pun mulai terbangun. Pertemanan ini bakal terus bertahan hingga ajal menjemput Menuhin di tahun 1999.

Sebagai murid yoga, Menuhin sangat fokus dan berdedikasi. Ia berinteraksi dengan Iyengar secara teratur dan terus berlatih meski mereka tidak bertatap muka.

Di kelas pertamanya dengan Iyengar, tubuh Menuhin masih dalam kondisi bermasalah. Ia mengakui selalu merasa lelah, tak bisa rileks sedetik pun, insomnia di malam hari. Mirip dengan gangguan yang dialami banyak orang saat ini.

Kemudian setelah mengikuti program yoga yang disusun Iyengar, masalah sakit otot yang dialami Menuhin perlahan menghilang.

Mulai berlatih yoga sejak umur 36 tahun, Menuhin terus berlatih hingga hampir 50 tahun kemudian.

Sejak perkenalan dengan Iyengar, Menuhin seolah menjadi jembatan bagi Iyengar untuk menuju masyarakat Barat. 

Yehudi Menuhin membantu Iyengar dalam menyebarkan yoga di Barat. (Foto:

Menuhin secara sukarela menyusun jadwal mengajar bagi Iyengar yang saat itu masih belum banyak dikenal di luar India. 

Berkat bantuan Menuhin, Iyengar melalangbuana ke London, Swiss, Paris dan sejumlah kota besar dunia untuk mengajar yoga pada orang-orang Eropa yang ingin tahu apa itu yoga sesungguhnya.

Menuhin juga berguru pada Indra Devi, rekan Iyengar. Kedua mahaguru itu adalah dua murid terkemuka dari Krisnamacharya, Bapak Yoga Modern. 

Satu murid Krisnamacharya lainnya yang tak kalah populer ialah Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, pendiri Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

Tahun 1953 majalah Amerika Life menerbitkan foto-foto Menuhin yang sedangmemperagakan pose-pose yoga.

Pengaruh yoga bahkan masuk hingga ke karier musik Menuhin. Dalam bukunya “Violin: Six Lessons with Yehudi Menuhin”, ia merinci sederet asana yoga yang sudah ia pelajari dari B.K.S. Iyengar dalam satu bab tersendiri. 

Lalu ia menulis dalam bab di bukunya tersebut: “Latihan yoga ini seharusnya menjadi bagian penting dari latihan rutin calon pemain biola maupun pemain biola profesional manapun”.

Meski awalnya cuma belajar Hatha Yoga dalam bentuk pose/asana, Menuhin lanjut belajar juga soal meditasi. 

Dari latihan meditasinya tersebut, Menuhin yakin bahwa keajaiban bisa muncul dalam perpaduan antara pikiran dengan intuisi. 

Performanya bermain biola makin memukau dan membuat rekan-rekannya bertanya-tanya apa yang terjadi di balik itu. Menuhin menjawab itu semua karena yoga.

Tahun 1979, Yehudi membantu menulis prakata bagi buku “Light on Yoga” yang ditulis oleh B.K.S. Iyengar. 

Di dalam buku itu, Iyengar menyebut Menuhin sebagai “teman dan murid yang saya hormati” (“my esteemed friend and pupil“).

Pada tahun 1982 saat Menuhin menjadi konduktor Berlin Philharmonic, ia melakukan headstand dan memimpin orkestra dengan kaki-kakinya.

Sebagai seorang Yahudi yang berprestasi, Menuhin juga dianugerahi penghargaan oleh Pemerintah Israel pada tahun 1991. 

Penghargaan Wolf Prize tersebut ditanggapi oleh Menuhin secara kritis dalam pidato penerimaannya di Parlemen Israel, Knesset.

Yehudi Menuhin memimpin orkestra dalam posisi headstand. (GERMANY OUT) Menuhin, Yehudi , (*22.04.1916-12.03.1999+), Violinist, conductor, USA, conducts the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in a yoga headstand (Photo by Rondholz/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

Menuhin secara terang-terangan mengkritik aksi pendudukan/ okupasi Tepi Barat oleh Israel kala itu.

“Cara memerintah yang sia-sia seperti ini, dengan ketakutan, dengan penghinaan terhadap martabat kehidupan yang paling mendasar, perlahan-lahan mencekik rakyat yang bergantung, seharusnya menjadi cara terakhir yang diadopsi oleh mereka  sendiri yang sudah sangat memahami betapa mengerikannya arti penderitaan yang tidak terlupakan dari keberadaan seperti itu. Ini tidak layak bagi bangsaku yang besar, orang-orang Yahudi, yang telah berusaha mematuhi kode moralitas selama sekitar 5.000 tahun, yang dapat menciptakan dan mencapai masyarakat untuk diri mereka sendiri seperti yang kita lihat di sekeliling kita tetapi masih dapat membantah untuk membagikan kualitas dan manfaat besarnya kepada mereka yang tinggal di antara mereka.”

Singkatnya Menuhin tidak setuju dengan penggunaan cara-cara Israel dalam mendirikan negara Yahudi yang sudah mirip dengan Hitler yang dahulu membunuh jutaan orang Yahudi dan menyengsarakan jutaan lainnya.

Sebaliknya, ia percaya bangsa Yahudi sebenarnya bisa berkontribusi positif pada masyarakat apapun tempat mereka tinggal. Tanpa menyebabkan kerugian atau kesengsaraan di tengah-tengah orang lain yang bukan Yahudi yang hidup bersama mereka.

Karena itulah meski ia berdarah Yahudi, Menuhin sendiri tidak pernah menyatakan keinginan menjadi warga negara Israel atau tinggal di sana. (*/)




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