Mental Health Journal Prompts You Need to Know

Mental health has been a household term lately thanks to Generation Z that discuss this openly on every occasion and opportunity they have.

I am no part of Gen Z. I, however, feel the urge to check up on my mental health to especially after a string of horrible news from the government in Indonesia.

As we’re officially retreating back to the dark age of New Order (Orde Baru), I have been increasingly concerned with my mental health after being exposed to a lot of news and social media content.

I need a break…

So here’s a list of journal prompts I can use to guide me through my daily mental health check to prevent premature collapse of this fragile sanity state. Haha, I’m joking.

Mental Health Journal Prompts

  • Are you feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge? Can you control your anxiety?
  • Are you worrying too much about different things? Do you find it difficult to relax?
  • Are you feeling restless and getting easily angry?
  • Are you feeling afraid that something bad will happen? Do you have little interest in doing things?
  • Are you feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? Do you have any difficulty to sleep or sleep too much?
  • Do you feel tired or have little energy? Do you eat properly with great appetite or overeating?
  • Are you feeling bad about yourself (thinking you’re a failure or let others down)?
  • Do you have trouble to concentrate on things?
  • Are you moving or speaking so slowly that others can notice? Or are you fidgety or restless?
  • Are you thinking you’re better off dead or hurting yourself in some way?
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